Ritu Tripathi

Dr.Ritu Tripathi has taught the core course of the OB/HRM area, Managing People and Performance in Organizations, and an elective, Cross-cultural Management, to MBA students (regular and executive). She also teaches short modules on Cultural Competence for Global Business Managers, Socio-cultural Aspects of Doing Business in India, to exchange students and business executives from around the world, as well as to Indian participants engaged in global assignments. These have included companies such as Accenture, Siemens, Bosch, Yahoo!, the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (EADS), Goldman Sachs, Atlas Copco, Stanley Black and Decker--among others. She served as visiting faculty in the Georgetown-ESADE Global Executive MBA programme from 2012-2014 for the Indian module of the course. She successfully designed and launched two new courses for the Global Network for Advanced Management--the global education initiative hosted at the Yale School of Management:
Managing Across Cultures: Cultural Competence for Global Business Managers,
Leadership in a Virtually-Connected World (Small Network Online Course)


Executive Education Programs for Senior Business Leaders

* Cultural Competence for Global Business Leaders
* Managing Across Cultures
* Doing Business in India: The Socio-Cultural Perspective

Small Network Online Course

Course Instructor Effectiveness Rating
Leadership in a Virtually Connected World(Oct 26-Dec 17, 2020)
Designed for the Yale School of Management Global Network
for Advance Management hosted Network Course for Member Schools


International Business Executives (Programs hosted in India):

March 2017, 2019, 2021 Program Director and Instructor:
Responsible for design, coordination,teaching of the week-long
course for global participants of Yale University’s
Global Network for Advanced Management, Global Network Week:
Course Title: Managing Across Cultures: Cultural Competence
for Global Business Managers


Feb, 2019 IESE, Barcelona’s Michelin Executive Leadership Program:
Program Director for the Bangalore module


The European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (EADS)


George Town University-ESADE Global Executive MBA


HEC-Paris, Masters in Human Resource Management


Business Executives Employed in India:

Nissan-Renault, Goldman Sachs, Siemens, Bosch, Yahoo,
Stanley Black & Decker, Syntel, Atlas-Copco, General Management
for IT Professionals, and General Management for Entrepreneurs
and Family Business Owners.

> 3.5 in 4-point scale in all programs taught


Applied Materials (June, 2021)


Siemens Key Talents (June, 2019)


Accenture Leadership Development Programme for
Accenture (July, 2019)


Full-time MBA:

Cross-cultural Management (New Course)
MBA elective, 2011-2016, 2018-2021

Aggregate Teacher Effectiveness rating across all courses and terms >4/5

Managing People and Performance in Organizations
MBA core course 2011-2016, 2018-2020
Business Planning for International Markets (Singapore)
MBA Elective (New Course), 2014-2015

Doctoral Course:

Cross-cultural Research in Management (2015-2016, 2018, 2020)

Aggregate Teacher Effectiveness rating: 4.9/5