Ritu Tripathi

Dr.Ritu Tripathi's research lies at the intersection of Cultural Psychology, Organizational Behavior, and Human Resources Management. Using a diverse set of methodological tools, such as controlled experimentation, survey research, interviewing, qualitative coding, participant observation— each suited to addressing the research questions at hand, her published research includes empirical projects of basic and applied interest in the topics listed below

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Karumathil, A.,Tripathi, R. (2022) Combating Survey Bots: An Integrative Literature Review of Insights and Strategies Academy of Management Proceedings 2022
Karumathil, A.,Tripathi, R. (2022) What Motivates Gig Workers? An Integrative Review and Research Agenda. Academy of Management Proceedings 2022
Tripathi, R. (2022) On the Purdue University Distinguished Alumni Award to Indian Social Psychologist Professor Ramadhar Singh. Unpublished Manuscript.PDF
Tripathi, R., Bhullar, N. (2022) Seeking convergence between experimental and survey methods
for investigating organizational behaviour in a virtually connected world. In R.C. Tripathi, B.R. Kar, N. Pande (Eds.) Towards An Integrative Psychological Science: Issues, Approaches and Applications, (pp.45-62). New Delhi: Springer
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-9565-0_3 PDF
Tripathi, R., Thite, M., Varma, A., Mahapatra, G. (2021) Appraising the revamped performance management system in
Indian IT multinational enterprises: The employees' perspective. Human Resource Management, 1– 14.
https://doi.org/10.1002/hrm.22061 PDF
Karumathil, A. A.*, & Tripathi, R. (2021). Culture and Attitudes Towards Euthanasia: An Integrative Review. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying.
*advisee Ph.D student PDF
Tripathi, R., & Kumar, A. (2020). Humanistic leadership in the Tata group: the synergy in personal values, organisational strategy
and national cultural ethos. Cross Cultural & Strategic Management.
https://doi.org/10.1108/CCSM-01-2020-0025 PDF
Ramesh, G., Tripathi, R., & Raj, P. (2020) Kumbh 2019: An Integrative Assessment.
Report submitted to the Prayagraj Mela Pradhikaran, Uttar Pradesh State Government, India
Singh, B., Selvarajan, T. T., & Tripathi, R. (2019). Psychological Empowerment and Employee Outcomes in Mexico: The Role of Individual
Power Distance Orientation and Perceived Organizational Support. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 84(4),4.
Tripathi, R., Cervone, D, & Savani, K. (2018) Are the Motivational Effects of Autonomy-Supportive Conditions Universal?
Contrasting Results among Indians and Americans. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 44 ( 9), 1287-1301. PDF
Sorokowska, A., Sorokowski, P., Hilpert, P., Cantarero, K., Frackowiak, T., ...Tripathi, R., ... Yoo, G. (2017). Preferred Interpersonal Distances:
A Global Comparison. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 48(4), 577-592. PDF
Tripathi, R. (2016). Motivation and values. In R.C.Tripathi and R. Dwivedi (Eds.), Organisational Studies In India
(pp.37-60). New Delhi: Orient Blackswan. PDF
Hilpert,P., Randall,A.K., Sorokowski, P., Atkins, D.C., Sorokowska, A.,...Tripathi, R.,...Yoo, G. (2016). The associations of dyadic coping
and relationship satisfaction vary between and within nations: A 35-nation study. Frontiers in Psychology, 7,1106.
Tripathi, R. (2014). The science and art of learning about cultures: Descriptions, explanations, and reflections In conversation with
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder, Art of Living. IIMB Management Review, 26, 122-129 PDF
Cervone, D., & Tripathi, R. (2009). The moral functioning of the person as a whole: On moral psychology and personality science.
In D. Narvaez & D K. Lapsley (Eds.), Moral Self, Identity, and Character: Prospects for New Field of Study (pp.30-51).
NY:Cambridge University Press. PDF
Tripathi, R., & Cervone, D. (2008) Cultural variations in achievement motivation despite equivalent motivational strength:
Motivational concerns among Indian and American corporate professionals. Journal of Research in Personality, 42, 456–464. PDF

Media Mentions

Research Coverage

SciPod Global (June 30, 2020). The Effects of Autonomy on Motivation in Different Cultures
Live Mint (May 04, 2011) Stories of Choice in India and the US
Live Mint (May 04, 2011) Stories of Choice in India and the US
Times of India (Jan 13, 2019) IIMB team to study Kumbh Mela management and demographics
Times of India (Jan 13, 2019) IIMB team to study Kumbh Mela management and demographics

Comments/Opinion Pieces

Forbes India (July 20,2020) The Decision-Making Side to WFH Productivity
IIMB Turn, Turn, Turn Blog (June 02, 2020) Fire Hazard or Covid-19: A Cultural Nudge to Prevent Safety Violations by Ritu Tripathi and Uday Vijayan
People Matters (June 01, 2020). Future of work: Post-pandemic workplace scenarios by Rahul De and Ritu Tripathi
Forbes India (July 12, 2017) Global Network Week: A model for multicultural teams.
Knowledge at Wharton (Nov 7, 2011) Labor Pains Continue at Maruti Suzuki
Quartz India (Jan 11, 2016) There is Another Way for Delhi to Curb its Dangerous Pollution Levels